Monday 10 June 2013

Why Family Values Are Important to Vaughn Miller

Through the Prestonwood Polo Foundation that he founded with his wife, Vaughn Miller of Dallas, TX, is able to raise funds to support charities such as Project Transformation, Family Gateway, and Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer. Through numerous Polo sporting events throughout the year, Vaughn Miller and his wife are able to raise money through these organizations. What makes these organizations unique is their dedication to children and their families.

Family Gateway, for instance, focuses on eliminating childhood homelessness by providing housing for families with children. Project Transformation provides leadership opportunities for youth. And Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer is focused on finding a cure for cancer and providing support to young families. All of these causes are dear to Vaughn Miller of Dallas, who is the CEO and president of VCM Development Group.

The reason that Vaughn Miller of Dallas, TX, places so much importance on philanthropic efforts that help families is because family is an important part of his life. As the eldest surviving son of Dallas real estate legend Vance C. Miller, Vaughn Miller truly understands the critical role that a strong family plays in establishing and shaping a young life.

As a highly successful real estate professional, Vaughn Miller of Dallas understands that his success is largely due to his father’s inspiration and the mentorship that his father provided. “Seeing a family become more close-knit is really important to me. Whether it’s something like cancer or unemployment that causes stress on a family, I want to be able to help however possible,” says Vaughn Miller of Dallas.

Through the Prestonwood Polo Foundation, Vaughn Miller has been able to provide funds for children and family throughout not only Dallas, but also the greater Texas region. At the age of 51, Vaughn Miller of Dallas looks forward to giving back to the community for many years to come.

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